Course curriculum
EOSIO for Ethereum Developers 101
Course Description
Course Syllabus
Module 1: How EOSIO Works
Introduction to EOSIO
EOSIO and Ethereum: Similarities and Differences
EOSIO and Ethereum Access Models Compared
EOSIO Basics: Consensus
EOSIO Basics: Accounts
EOSIO Basics: Permissions
EOSIO Basics: Resources
The Reference EOSIO System Contracts
Module 2: Writing Your First EOSIO Contract
EOSIO Development Tools
Option 1: Getting Started with cleos
Option 2: Getting Started with EOS Studio
Option 3: The EOSIO Web IDE
Option 4: Zeus SDK
Hashstorer Codealong: Contract Basics
Tic Tac Toe Lab 1: Contract Basics
Submit Lab 1: Contract Basics
Getting Help Along the Way
Module 3: State Storage with Multi-Index Tables
State Storage on EOSIO
Hashstorer Codealong: Adding State Storage
Tic Tac Toe Lab 2: Adding State Storage
Submit Lab 2: Adding State Storage
Updating EOSIO Multi-Index Table Schemas
Module 4: Receiving Tokens to a Contract
Intro to Tokens on EOSIO
Hashstorer Codealong: Adding a Payable Action
Hashstorer Codealong: Tracking Running Balances
Hashstorer Codealong: Deploying a Token and Testing Our Payable Action
Tic Tac Toe Lab 3: Payable Actions
Submit Lab 3: Payable Actions I
Tic Tac Toe Lab 4: Payable Actions II
Submit Lab 4: Payable Actions II
Module 5: Sending Tokens from a Contract
Hashstorer Codealong: Adding an Inline Action
Tic Tac Toe Lab 5: Adding an Inline Action
Submit Lab 5: Adding an Inline Action
Module 6: More to Explore: Testing Frameworks and Further Resources
Testing Frameworks for EOSIO
Note on Zeus SDK Setup and Testing
Final Project: Finishing Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe Lab 6: Final Project
Submit Lab 6: Final Project
EOSIO for Ethereum Developers Course Survey
EOSIO for Ethereum Developers Course Survey