Course curriculum

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    EOS Smart Contracts Syllabus

    • Course Description

    • Course Syllabus

    • Disclaimer

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    Module 0: Prerequisites

    • Prerequisites for SC101

    • Purchasing Supplemental Reading

    • Intro to Event Sourcing

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    Module 1: Smart Contracts on EOSIO

    • Intro to Smart Contracts

    • Smart Contracts on EOSIO

    • Quiz #1-1: Smart Contracts on EOSIO

    • EOSIO Smart Contract Resources

    • Determinism

    • Accounts and Permissions

    • Quiz #1-2: Smart Contract Logistics

    • Further Reading

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    Module 2: Getting Started with Smart Contract Development

    • Smart Contract Development Toolset

    • Setting up EOSIO on Your Machine

    • Optional Tool: the EOSIO Web IDE

    • Exercise: Using cleos and the EOSIO Testnet

    • Hello World!

    • Toy Haus CodeAlong #1

    • Module 2 Lab, Part 1: Start Your Tic Tac Toe Contract

    • Compiling and Deploying

    • Module 2 Lab, Part 2: Compile and Deploy Your Tic Tac Toe Contract

    • Further Reading

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    Module 3: Persistence with Multi-Index Tables

    • Adding Multi-Index to Hello World

    • Toy Haus CodeAlong #2

    • Toy Haus CodeAlong #3

    • Lab #3 Intro: Adding Multi-Index to Tic Tac Toe

    • Module 3 Lab: Add Multi-Index to Tic Tac Toe

    • Further Reading and Bonus Practice: Upsert

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    Module 4: Secondary Indices

    • Adding a Secondary Index to Hello World

    • EOSIO Reference Smart Contracts

    • Module 4 Lab: Add Secondary Indices to Tic Tac Toe

    • Further Reading

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    Module 5: The ABI

    • The Application Binary Interface

    • Module 5 Lab: Write a Tic Tac Toe ABI

    • Further Reading

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    Module 6: Building Out Tic Tac Toe

    • Lab #6 Intro: Building Out Tic Tac Toe

    • Module 6 Lab: Build Out Your Tic Tac Toe Contract

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    Module 7: Reading and Debugging EOSIO Code

    • Caveman Debugging

    • Reading Older EOSIO Code

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    Module 8: Final Project

    • Final Project: Extending Tic Tac Toe

    • Module 8 Lab: Extending Tic Tac Toe

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    Course Survey

    • Smart Contract 101 Course Survey